5 Ways You Can Help South Carolina Flood Victims

Are you wondering what you can do to help respond to the flood victims in SC? Here are 5 ways you can help today.

1. Pray

Pray for the survivors whose lives have been disrupted, for the Disaster Response Teams in SC and for our Conference Disaster Response Team Coordinators as we offer our assistance to flood victims in SC.

2. Donate to the NC Conference Storm Fund

Donate to NC Storms Emergency Response – NC Advance #S-00176 via PayPal. The response by our Conference and the SC Conference will involve millions of dollars donated by individuals like you. Donations provide the greatest flexibility for the response team who will know best on a day to day basis what is needed.
Just like the response/Long Term recovery program the NC Conference has been conducting for the past three years in eastern NC, SC with NC help will be developing operations centers to respond short-term and long-term to the unmet needs of the flood survivors.

3. Assemble Health Kits & School Kits

Health Kits and School Kits meet the immediate needs for sanitation and the needs of children who have lost their school supplies. Learn how to make the kits at the links below:

Assembled kits can be taken to the Missions Warehouse at 3MC  located at 676 Community Dr., Goldsboro, NC, 27530 on October 17. Additional kits will be collected at a later date as well. Keep checking back for the latest information!

4. Become ERT Trained

Trained Early Response Teams (ERT) are first in during the relief stage of a disaster. These teams must be invited in by the SC Disaster Response team. At the present only ERTs from NC and Western NC Conferences have been requested.

5. Serve on a UM Volunteers in Missions (UMVIM) Team

These teams will be needed for several years. After the ERT response over the next two months, UMVIM teams, which are lead by ERT trained persons, should register with our Disaster Response Center for future deployment. Contact your District Coordinator if you are interested in serving on an UMVIM team from your district.

Be sure to visit the NC Conference Outreach page and Like us on Facebook at NC UMC Disaster Recovery Ministries for up-to-date information on how you can help flood victims in SC.


posted from the NC Conference Website