The Tacklebox

the tacklebox


The Tacklebox is an adult Sunday school class which meets upstairs at St Paul’s. Our group is as eclectic as the materials we study.  Discussion is the primary means we use for learning, we share ideas, knowledge and support each other in our daily walk. We choose a study, which is often lead on a rotating basis by class members or is lead by one individual (as they feel called). Our studies have ranged from simple, “My One Word” to more complex “Simply Christian” all of them have been enlightening and spiritually fulfilling. Our current study is Parables from the backside.

We choose the name Tacklebox because we saw our class as a place we would and could tackle tough issues (both on a personal and spiritual level); and because a tacklebox is where you keep your tools for being a good fisherman (ie fisher of men).

Tackle Box Sunday School Class

It’s not unusual for our class to embark on outings, we’ve been to dinner or lunch several times, to a Durham Bills game, to see the Cape Fear Rollergirls, to movies and more.

We welcome EVERYONE to come be a part of our group…We’d love to have you join us any Sunday!