Due to concerns about the COVID-19 virus, we are following the best advice of the CDC and guidance of our Bishop, so St. Paul’s will suspend public worship and study groups for the next two weeks. We will be offering an opportunity for you to participate in worship online on Sunday morning at 10am, and we are also considering other options for prayers throughout the week. Although most people won’t contract the virus, and most people who contract it will be fine, our greatest concern as followers of Christ is for “the least of these,” those who are most vulnerable.  We pray that the current steps being taken will lead to a quick resolution of the situation and that we will be back to our regular schedule soon.

In the meantime, please understand that our costs of ministry continue and may even increase during this time, so we encourage you to remain faithful in your giving by visiting our “Giving” link at the top of this page or by mailing your gift to PO Box 356, Carolina Beach, NC 28428.