SML with the Lifeguard POD – Episode 7

Hey Kids!

Are you ready for the next episode?  Here it is –

Hope you enjoy it!

Here are some activities you can do this week that go along with the story.

Daily Prayer

Dear God,
sometimes we say, “Yes,” but our actions say, “No.”

Help us to be faithful to do what you have called us to do.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen


More Food From the Grapeyard

These grape caterpillars are super fun and easy to make! Just place 10-12 grapes on a skewer. For the eyes, use a mini chocolate chip and a dot of frosting.

It’s a great healthy snack, and fun too!

Get an adult to help you!







Sing A Song

Yes or No?

Think about your answers to these questions. Share your opinion with an adult, and ask them their opinion as well.

  • Which one of the sons did the right thing?
  • Have you ever talked about something, and been confused when it came time to actually do it?
  • When is it hard to keep promises or obey?
  • Have you ever been in a situations where no one would really know if you followed directions or not? How would you make the right choice?

Coloring Pages

Activity Pages


Remember!  Get an adult to take photos or videos of you doing these activities and send them to and you might see yourself after a church service!

Disclaimer: Sending your photo or video to us grants St Paul’s UMC to use your child’s image during the livestream church service.