SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode 13

Did you know someone could be a sore winner? Let’s see what the kids have to say this week about being a good winner.

Here are some activities you can do this week that go along with the story.

Daily Prayer

Father, help us to avoid the temptation of being a show off, but rather help us to be humble in your sight. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Sing A Song.


Role Play – Bring out your inner actor

Try out a series of scenarios where you can choose to be boastful or humble, such as winning a game, getting an A on a test or giving someone a gift. Practice giving a boastful response and a humble response to the scenario. For example, you could be like Chuck and pretend to brag about winning the game to demonstrate boastful behavior and say “good game” to the other players to demonstrate humility. Talk about how everyone involved would feel for each scenario to emphasize why choosing to be humble is the better option.

Helping Out

This game is great for a few kids. With sidewalk chalk or something similar, write humility in large letters. Each letter should have its own box similar to hopscotch. One child should stand on the H and the other in front of the H. The one in front of the H needs to crawl under the legs of kid on H to get to U. The kid on H will then crawl under the legs of the kid on U to get to M. The kids will continue helping each other until they spell humility. The point is to make sure they are helping each other to every letter. If they struggle or fall, they must work together to help each get up and start again.

Humble Comic Book

Create your own comic book with the theme of humility. Staple 5-10 pieces of paper in the center and fold them into a book. Use crayons and markers to create a story that shows humility. Maybe a superhero story?

An Arrogant Person

Use blocks or LEGO to create a large person. Label the figure Mr. or Miss Arrogant. Decorate be creating clothing or accessories using pieces of paper to represent arrogance, such as a crown, a foam finger saying, “I’m #1” or a shirt that says, “I Rock” or “I’m with stupid.” Draw thought bubbles around the figure and fill them with suggestions about what an arrogant person would say. Children may include phrases such as “I’m better than you” or “Ha ha. I won!”

Then create a humble person in the same way..

Coloring Pages




Remember!  Get an adult to take photos or videos of you doing these activities and send them to and you might see yourself after a church service!

Disclaimer: Sending your photo or video to us grants St Paul’s UMC to use your child’s image during the livestream church service.