COFFEE & CONVERSATIONS: Mondays in February

Although I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink; instead I hope to come to you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.  –2 John 1:12


What are you excited about?

How is God speaking to you?

What is breaking your heart?

What are your hopes for the future?


These are the kinds of things that really matter, and coming in February, Pastor Shawn wants to offer the opportunity to talk about them together while we enjoy a cup of coffee (or whatever you prefer).  Conversation groups will be held each Monday morning in February at 10am via Zoom (we hope to have some in-person chats when it is safe to gather again).  Each group will be limited to a total of 6 people so everyone has a chance to share.  To sign up, please email or call 910-512-2547.