SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode 26

What is Lent? What is it all about? Watch this week’s episode as the kids from the Lifeguard POD talk about how to show love to Jesus during this time before Easter.

Daily Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Thank you that you are a generous God and that you give us so many good things.

We are sorry that we are not always generous with others.

Please help us this week to be kind, to do our very best, and to be generous when we are helping others.



Sing A Song.


Lenten Activities

  1. Make a Prayer Chain: List 40 intentions or people on 40 slips of paper. Link them together into a chain. Rip one off each morning of Lent and pray for that need.
  2. Temptation Cookies: While baking cookies, tell your children about the temptation of Jesus in the desert. When the cookies are done, leave them on the table, but they cannot eat them until the next day. Talk about how tempting this might be and what we can do to resist temptation.
  3. Watch an Easter Related Movie or Show: Veggie Tales and Storykeepers are just a couple of the many series that have Easter specials.
  4. Read Easter Books: I like The Crippled Lamb, The Story of Easter, and The Legend of the Three Trees
  5. Make Pretzels: They symbolize arms crossed in prayer. Find out more down below
  6. Pick a Service Activity: It can be something small like paying for the person behind you in line at lunch, or do something bigger like visiting a nursing home to chat with residents. Talk about the Corporal Works of Mercy today.
  7. Study the Saint of the Day: The dates of Lent are always changing, so pick a day to do this and learn about the Saint for that day. Read his or her biography and maybe even find a craft or prayer to go along with your study.
  8. Make Hot Cross Buns: They symbolize Christ’s suffering on the cross.
  9. Plant Something: Plant flowers, a plant or Easter grass, take care of it and watch it grow. Talk about new life and rising from the grave.
  10. Make an Easter Basket for a Neighbor: Fill it with your favorite treats and surprise your neighbor with your gift. Don’t forget to add a prayer card.
  11. Easter Coloring Pages: Spend a day relaxing and coloring some cute pages.
  12. Read the Story of the Last Supper: Either read it straight from Scripture or find a kid’s version. Either way, prepare a nice meal for dinner, and read and discuss the story while you eat.
  13. Plan and Cook a Meatless Meal Together: Obviously, save this one for a Friday. Go simple like mac n’ cheese or try something more complicated that looks good. Explain why some people abstain from meat on Fridays of Lent.
  14. Fill a Bag to Donate: Declutter your house and make a donation to Goodwill. Toys, clothes, books, housewares, etc. are all fair game. This is part of almsgiving too.
  15. Write a Note to a Clergy Member: Whether it be local or farther away, choose a person to write a letter to. Maybe you want to write a thank you letter. It could even be a letter asking questions about our faith. You might get a great response!

Lenten Soft Pretzel Recipe

Did you know that the pretzel is a traditional food for lent? In fact, the pretzel was actually invented in order to be a simple Lenten snack! Enjoy this simple soft pretzel recipe during Lent.
Cook Time15 mins


  • 1 package yeast .25 oz
  • 1 1/2 cups warm water
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 cups flour
  • 1 egg
  • extra salt for the top of the pretzels large kosher salt works best!


  • Preheat your oven to 425°F
  • Mix yeast, water, sugar, and salt in a large bowl.
  • Stir in the flour, and knead until the dough is smooth.
  • Shape into the form of arms crossed in prayer and place it on a baking sheet.
  • Brush the dough with a beaten egg to give it a shiny finish. (This is optional. I skipped the egg on mine.) Sprinkle the top with salt.
  • Bake at 425°for 15 minutes.


The yield on this recipe depends on how large or small you make your pretzels. However, I would suggest making 5 – 6 pretzels with this recipe.