SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode 33

Which member of the group went fishing this week? Tune in to find out, and to hear a story about Jesus finding lots of fish.


Daily Prayer

Heavenly Father, just as Jesus called his early disciples to fish for people, he has called us to tell others about his love so that we might bring them into the Kingdom. Help us to be faithful to become fishers of people. Amen.

Sing A Song.


Toss Your Nets to the Other Side Snack  

Ingredients Needed:
  • Snyders window pane pretzels
  • Hershey’s Kisses
  • Goldfish Crackers


How to Make Hershey Kiss Pretzels:

  • Preheat oven to 350
  • Place Pretzels on a cookie sheet
  • Place one unwrapped kiss on each pretzel
  • Place in oven for 1-2 minutes until kisses look shiny
  • Remove from oven and press on goldfish crackers
  • Place in refrigerator to speed the cooling process





Sing Another Song

See if you can create a net out of something (be creative!) and use it to catch toys, Legos, stuffed animals, crackers, or something else. How much can you catch in your net? Be safe!

