SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode 35

Do you remember which kid doesn’t like jelly?  Watch this weeks episode to find out who it is – and to hear about Glitter’s trip to her aunt and uncle’s house.


Daily Prayer

Jesus, You are the vine and we are the branches.  Help us to stay as close to You as the fruit on the vine.  Give us the strength to always do what is right and good.  By our good works, we will know that we are connected to you.  Amen.

Sing A Song.


Run A Relay Race

Run a different type of relay in which you are literally connected to each other – like a branch to a vine.
If possible, get teams of three or more people to join hands and form a line. If possible, the person in the
middle should be the one wearing shoes that tie. Have someone stick the joined hands together by wrapping them with masking tape. This is to ensure that the group stays together. If the grip is broken, the team must be re-taped before continuing.
Teams then go from station to station around the room to complete tasks – in any order they choose, except for the final task, which must be completed last. There must be at least two more tasks than teams. Use tasks that require two hands.
Making accommodations for allergies and age levels. Here are some suggestions:
• Fold a paper airplane.
• Cut out a shape from a piece of paper.
• Roll up a newspaper and put a rubber band around it.
• Untie and tie the shoe of the middle person.
• Feed each member of the group a marshmallow.
• Blow up and tie off a balloon.
• Peel an orange.
For the last task, have groups jump over a masking tape vine or branch, or other shape taped on the floor. The group must all jump at the same time. You might use a skinny branch for younger kids and a thicker branch for older ones.
Encourage kids to encourage each other as they move through the tasks and cheer for everyone as they finish.
As everyone is being untaped, pull them into a discussion about their experience:
What was fun? Hard? Easy?
What did groups have to do to be successful?
How is this like being a member of our church? (Working together, everyone has different gifts to share, common goal – help others, teach others about Godʼs love, good communication)
Remind kids that we are connected to Jesus at all times. He is with us, there for us, helping us in all we do.

Create a Scratch & Sniff Picture


Print out a picture of a bunch of grapes hanging on a vine and have your children paint the grapes with grape Kool-aid paint. To make the paint add one or two tablespoons of water to a package of powdered Kool-aid. When the pictures are dry, show them how to scratch them with their fingernails to smell the grapes.




Sing Another Song