
Who We Are:         

St. Paul’s has its roots in the Methodist Society at Federal Point, which existed even before the Revolutionary War.  That group eventually became Federal Point Methodist Church, which joined with Carolina Beach Methodist Church in the 1940s to become St. Paul’s.  Since that time, our church has sought to be a vital part of the Carolina Beach community, hosting Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, the Lions Club, and other civic groups; and working with other faith communities in our area.

Today you will find a similar commitment to being a force for good.  St. Paul’s reaches out to serve the children in our local schools, to help the hungry and hurting in our community, and to provide a faith home where all people are welcome to take part and grow in their relationship with God.  It’s just part of who we are as Methodists, a faith family in which we believe that personal holiness and social holiness go hand-in-hand.


At St. Paul’s, we believe the most authentic worship is indigenous—it looks different depending on where you are and who is taking part.  We seek to worship in ways that honor our Christian tradition, but also represent who we are now and who we are seeking to become.  So, on any given Sunday you might sing a doxology and a hymn from the 1900s, as well as a praise chorus and a secular song with a spiritual meaning.  You might pray in silent meditation, or join with others in reciting the Lord’s Prayer.  All people are encouraged to take part in worship in one way or another, and we even have a special time for kids called Sticky Faith.  We offer a nursery at both services, and Jr. Church for kids at the 11:00, but children are always welcome to remain in the sanctuary if parents prefer.   Find out more about our different worship services on our services page.

Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, along with other special dates during the year.  At St. Paul’s, we practice an “open table,” where anyone who wishes is welcome to take part.  Communion is typically practiced with a common loaf and common cup, and we share by “intinction,” where the bread is dipped into the cup.  We also offer gluten-free wafers and individual cups for those who may need them.  Find out more about United Methodists and Communion by clicking UMC.org

What We Believe:      

Like most churches, St. Paul’s draws people who share a wide variety of beliefs about God, the Bible, salvation, and the Church.  Although we may differ on some things, we share most things in common, such as:

  • God has been revealed to us through Jesus Christ as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • Humans are created in the image of God, and each person is of sacred worth because they are a child of God.
  • The Church is meant to be the living presence of Christ on Earth, and it is made up of all who are followers of Jesus.
  • The Bible is God’s inspired word for guidance and instruction.  It is meant to be read and interpreted both individually and as a community. 

Find out more about what we believe here: UMC.org