Answering the “WHY?” Questions – Part 3

WHY?  It’s the simplest question in the world …and the most difficult to answer.  Perhaps that’s because it gets at the very core of what life is about, what the real purpose is behind what we do.  Whatever we do, we should have a good reason, and it should be done with intention.  We don’t claim to have all the answers (if anyone does, they’re not being honest with you or with themselves), but we’re trying our best to give the reasons for the hope we share.


The first question last week was, “Why believe in Jesus?”  Then we answered, “Why do people need the church?”  This week it gets more specific: “WHY DO PEOPLE NEED YOUR CHURCH?”  Why St. Paul’s?  I would say because we are the warmest, most welcoming church you will ever find, and that we are committed to helping you discover not only what God has for you, but what God has you for, and that we are committed to being a positive force for transformation in our community and our world.

St. Paul’s is a place where you can really grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ.  You’ll find a church that has a theology of the heart and of the mind, a church that puts our faith into action.  We want St. Paul’s to be the kind of church for all the people who are out there seeking something more.  For all the people who aren’t seeking, but who need to know.  For the ones who are rich in things but poor in soul.  For the ones who are at the end of their rope.  For the young couples who are just starting out.  For the hungry and the poor and the addicted and the lost, we want you to find that St. Paul’s is the church for you, because we are a church who welcomes everyone, where y’all means ALL!

God is doing great things among us here, and there is so much potential for God to do even more!  We serve a God who Ephesians says “is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine,” and we believe that that is just what is going to happen here.  It will be beyond our wildest dreams.  So, if you have no other answer to the question, “Why do people need our church,” then that’s your answer: to be in on what God is going to do here.  Maybe you’ll even find out that we need you much more than you needed us!