
Our ministries often cause us to be called the biggest little church around. We’re always doing something!

While we’re not ones to ‘toot our own horn’ usually, we also know that if we don’t tell you what were doing, you can’t know how to join in and become a part and we want YOU to be a part of God’s work.

Most of the ministries we participate in on a regular basis have their own page here on our website; things like Agape Inn,  and Martha’s Kitchen; Meals on Wheels and Lego Club; Our Music Ministries and Youth Group; however, we also have a few seasonal ministries that need to be mentioned.

The Pumpkin Patch

2014-09-28 13.52.40The Outreach Committee began this project in 2003 and for the past 11 years our little pumpkin patch has done some huge things. Our pumpkin patch is the only place in town where the Halloween and Christmas are connected! Every pumpkin purchased at our pumpkin patch is money for Christmas presents for Pleasure Island children who would otherwise not have Christmas. 

Our staff stays in contact with the social workers at the local schools, and with parental permission, we buy Christmas gifts for local families in need. We shop for items the children would have no expectation of being able to receive. We may buy needed new socks and pajamas, but also get them a music CD; or maybe a dress for a young girl, but surprise her with a doll and stroller.

St Paul’s pumpkin patch is not the only place in the greater Wilmington area to buy a pumpkin, nor is it the biggest or the fanciest, but it IS the only one where all the profits go directly to local children, and we’re proud of that fact!

 A Book on Every Bed

BookOnBedbanner180In December 2013 St Paul’s partnered with the Carolina beach Elementary School to provide a book to each Child for Christmas. The national campaign began in 2010 and has been promoted by Family Reading Partnership and Ask Amy from the Chicago Tribune. This  homegrown, grassroots literacy campaign’s goal is to raise a generation of readers. The idea was inspired by the author David McCullough, who says he woke to a wrapped book at the foot of his bed every Christmas morning during his childhood.

St Paul’s has provided over 500 books in our first two (2) years of participation.