Prayer Vigil for St Paul’s

Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have posted sentinels; all day and all night they shall never be silent. You who remind they Lord, take no rest, and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it renowned throughout the earth. Isaiah 62:6

For this prayer vigil, the sanctuary will be open for prayers between the hours of Noon and 7pm on Saturday, October 17th and open again at 7am on Sunday, October 18th. However, you do not have to come to the sanctuary to pray. You may pray at home of wherever you are.

Here are some suggestions to follow:

1 – Prepare ahead of time

  • mark your scheduled time on your calendar, set your alarm to remind you
  • prepare a quiet space. light a candle or play inspiring music
  • bring your Bible, paper and a pen

2 – Read your Bible

  • ask God to speak to you in God’s word
  • read Isiah 62: 1-7 or John 14:1-14 or Romans 12
  • what is God saying to you in this passage? write it down

3 – Pray, and ask God for:

  • spiritual guidance and a shared vision for St Paul’s
  • growth in discipleship among our members
  • new members committed to loving and serving God, who will share our vision and bring new gifts
  • your own spiritual growth

4 – As you pray, take time to listen:

  • listen for answers to what you pray about
  • take time to write down what answers you may be given