Prayer’s Power coming soon…

Coming in October: “Prayer’s Power: A 40-day Challenge”
“There is a massive current of divine power — God’s resurrection power — that is active and alive in the world today. What if, through prayer, you could tap into the miraculous power of God’s Holy Spirit and unleash more than you could ask, think, or imagine into your life and world? “ – Sue Nilson Kibbey and Rosario PicardoA few weeks ago, I was reading about some of the things happening in the United Methodist Church and a new book and resource was mentioned called, “Dynamite Prayer.” I was intrigued by the title, so I checked it out and discovered several Annual Conferences and numerous local churches were going through this resource and God was doing great things. I downloaded the book and have been touched and challenged and given hope. Honestly, it has been a long time since a book spoke to me as much as this one has so I felt that it would be good to offer it here at St. Paul’s. Beginning October 15th, I am challenging the congregation to a 40-day period of prayer, although the book is a 28 Day Experiment, there will be more we add on. You will be hearing a lot more about this challenge in coming weeks but, for now, let me simply ask you to begin assessing your own prayer life. Do you believe God is able to do more than you can ask or imagine through the power of prayer? Do you believe that, through prayer, God can do miracles? Stay tuned as we begin to see the great things God will do as God’s people pray.