Return to In-Person Worship (details)

A word from the pastor…
“Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope!” –Zechariah 9:12

I love how Zechariah refers to God’s people as “prisoners of hope.”  As he writes these words of encouragement, the people of Israel were still in exile, and although there was a hope of return, there was also an expectation that there would be a long road ahead, filled with struggles.

We are planning for a return to in-person worship on Sunday, October 4th, and I can relate to the words of the prophet.  We have a great hope as we plan to gather together again, and yet we are also aware that we will continue to struggle with adapting to the realities of the pandemic around us.  Therefore, we will continue to live-stream our worship services and to offer Holy Communion in small groups, and we will be keeping a close eye on the numbers in our area.  We will also take a number of precautions for worshiping in-person, such as:

  • Requiring masks to be worn
  • Practicing safe distancing
  • Restricting attendance if people are vulnerable or experiencing symptoms
  • Refraining from congregational singing and unison prayers
  • Limiting the number that can gather

Based on guidance from medical professionals, we will be limiting participation to 50 people.  If demand calls for it, we will expand our worship offerings, but we will start with one service at 10am.  Reservations will be required, so please contact the office at 910-458-5310 or in order to reserve your place.  Reservations must be made by 10am on the Friday before the service.

We ask for your patience during these days, and please, keep me and our leadership team in your prayers as we take these first steps together.

Grace and peace,