SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode 14

Do you have any hidden talents? Bring them out in to the light!  God wants us to share the talent He has given us

No matter what your talent is, you can enjoy participating in these activities! When you do, send us a picture! We would love to see what you can create.


Daily Prayer

Dear Father, help us to use the talents that you have given us to be what you intended for us to be. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Sing A Song.


Find Others’ Hidden Talents

Write out a list of all your friends and family and one thing they are talented at. Then, call or write them and let them know. We all love to hear that someone appreciates our talents.

Challenge Activities

Set up three or four activity stations with simple directions posted at each. Get your brothers and sisters or friends to participate in the challenges with you.

Some suggested activities:

  1. Count backward from 50 to 1
  2. Recite the alphabet
  3. Alternate hopping on one foot and clapping for one minute
  4. Write one compliment for each of your family members

Show Off

Have an adult call or video chat with someone so you can demonstrate your talent for them.

Discussion Questions

Here are some questions that go with today’s story. Talk about them with an adult, sibling or friend.

  1. What talents have you been given by God?
  2. Do you think you use the talents you have been given? Why or why not?
  3. In the next year, would you like to expand your talents? Would you like to be better at the talents you have? Why?
  4. What can you do to improve the talents you were given?

Sing Another Song

Self Portrait

Draw a picture of yourself and then label all the gifts and talents God has given you

Thank You Wall Sign

Have an adult help you create a “Thank You” wall sign.  Then write or draw things you are thankful for on the sign. You can use paper, post – it notes, create a chalkboard wall or even use clothespins hanging from yarn or string.

Coloring Pages






Remember!  Get an adult to take photos or videos of you doing these activities and send them to and you might see yourself after a church service!

Disclaimer: Sending your photo or video to us grants St Paul’s UMC to use your child’s image during the livestream church service.