SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode 21

Have you ever eaten so much that you feel sick? Watch this week’s episode to see which one of the kids did that very thing this weekend. Any guesses as to who it might be?

Daily Prayer

“Dear God, Thank You so much for (people’s
names). (Pray something special about each
person.) And God, I pray for myself that I can
learn to put others first. I love You, God, Amen”


Sing A Song.



What is More Important?

Look at all these activities and decide which are more important and which might be less important

More or Less


Draw a Picture

What are some of your favorite things to do?
Got out a piece of paper and draw yourself doing them. (Or use Lego, or clay or blocks or whatever you want to build a model of yourself doing them)
Which of these activities would be the hardest for you to let someone else go first, be in charge of, or get their way? Update your drawing to show what that might look like, putting others first when it comes to your favorite activities.
Now circle one of the activities that you will do today or tomorrow.
Decide how you can let someone else go first. If you think it’s going to be really hard for you to do, call on someone from the list you made yesterday and ask them to help you by praying for you and encouraging you as you put others first today.

Sing Another Song