SML at The Lifeguard POD – Episode 28

Who is your favorite Superhero?  Did you know that the Bible gives us instructions on how to be Holy Superheroes? Watch this week’s episode to see how!

Daily Prayer

1.Jesus, we put on the belt of truth, which is like our tool belt. In it, we hold the truth that Jesus died for our sins. It tells us we can call on your name and ask to be forgiven. Please help us to know we are loved and forgiven.

2.Jesus, we put on our breastplate of righteousness, which protects our hearts from doing wrong. If we try on our own, we will do what is wrong. But if we rely on you to help us, you can give us the ability to do what is right.

3.Jesus, we put on our shoes of readiness so that we can bring your gospel of peace to those who do not know you. Would you please give us a love for those who don’t know God and help us tell them about you?

4.Jesus, we hold up our shield of faith to cover our doubts and struggles. The more faith we have in you, Lord, the less likely we will be hurt when Satan attacks us. Please help us to always remember that you are faithful.

5. Jesus, we put on the helmet of salvation so that we will not doubt that we are yours. Please help us to believe that you have saved us and you are changing us to look more like you, and that one day you will be taking us to live with you forever.


Sing A Song.


Build Some Armor

Using Lego or construction paper, or something else (Now is your time to be creative!) build some armor for yourself.  We would love to see a picture of your holy superhero!


Sing Another Song
