SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode 32

After Jesus was resurrected, he joined his disciples in a locked room without opening the door. Did he have super powers? Join the kids as they talk about how Jesus gave us super powers too.


Daily Prayer

God, we serve a risen Savior. He is alive! Help us to be witnesses of what He has done in our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Sing A Song.


Jesus Appears Artwork  

Create a piece of art to see Jesus appear.


  • white crayon (or a wax candle)
  • watercolor paint
  • white construction paper
  • paintbrushes


  • Write the name “Jesus” and some designs on the white paper using a white crayon.
  • Paint over the paper with watercolor paint.
  • Let dry, and voila! Jesus Appears art!




Sing Another Song


  • How do we miss Christ’s appearance in our lives?
  • Why do you think people who witnessed the resurrected Savior were often afraid or shocked? Did they not trust who Jesus was or what He had said?
  • How can we carry out Jesus’s words to spread His news?

Weekly Challenge: Share the love…We don’t need to necessarily be risking our lives in foreign countries to spread the good news of Christ. This week, make an effort to show kindness and love, whether through a smile, note, or just being present. Listen to people and make eye contact. How will you carry on God’s love this week?

