SML at the Lifeguard POD Episode 43

Remember Glitter’s Lent garden?  Find out how it’s doing and what she is doing with the vegetables she has grown


Daily Prayer

Dear God, please help me to be generous so I can refresh others. Amen..

Sing A Song.



Do Something For Someone

Make a gift for someone – a card, cookies or a care package – and pay them a visit.

Make something for someone else. Pray about the project with your family: “God, is there someone who needs to be encouraged by a gift or a visit from us?” Maybe it will be creating a card for a relative, baking cookies for the homeless, making a care package for someone in need, or spending time with a widow who struggles with loneliness.


What Do We Have Extra?

Read the story found in Luke 12:13-21  After reading the story, answer these questions – what could the rich man have done with his extra crop and extra possessions. It would have pleased God if he had chosen to share it with others who needed it. Thank God for all He has blessed your family with. Then, along with the adult in your house, ask “What do we have extra that we could share?” Discover what you have extra, package it up and search out a place in your community to donate it.

Some examples include:

  • food – take some food to the Food Bank,
  • clothing – pack up clothes that have been outgrown or not being worn, and give them to a charity or needy family,
  • blankets and other household items – many inner-city ministries make home starter kits for those in need,
  • toys – many organizations collect toys for underprivileged children.

