SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode 46

How much do you know about the story of Moses? Watch this week’s episode to learn more about Moses and the power of God.


Daily Prayer

God, thank You for saving the Israelites. Thank You for showing us in big ways and in small ways that You are powerful. Remind us that when we feel afraid or confused, You protect us. In Jesus’ name, am

Sing A Song




Parting the Red Sea Science Experiment

Materials Needed:
-Your Moses
-Shallow Dish
-Black Pepper
-Small bowl with a small amount of dish soap



First make your Moses.  Here is an example of our creation, but be creative when you make yours.

Then gather all the rest of your supplies.

Add water to the shallow dish. and then add a thin layer of pepper to your bowl of water.

Next dip the end of your Moses into the bowl filled with dish soap.

Then dip Moses (with the soap) into the dish with the black pepper.  Magic happens!

The black pepper immediately radiates out to the sides of the bowl. Sort of like the parting of the Red Sea.  The effect is so quick that it really is exciting to watch.








