SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode 48

Glitter is HANGRY!  Watch this week’s episode to see why and what the group tells her to do to fix it.


Daily Prayer

Jesus, help us not to judge other people or point out what they’re doing wrong until we’ve looked at what we’re doing wrong. Help us to be more concerned about changing what we do than changing what other people do. Amen.

Sing A Song



Discussion Questions

Take some time to answer these questions with someone.

  1. How would you respond if someone shorter than you called you “shorty”? (discuss)
  2. How can I avoid judging or criticizing others?
  3. Whose behavior should concern us most?
  4. How do I know whether I am pleasing to God?
  5. Name something about your behavior you’d like to improve.

Twisting Mobile

Take the planks out of your eye and use them to make these great twisting mobiles.



  • Sticks
  • Yarn/twine/string
  • Scissors
  • Small rock or pinecone


  • Step One Assemble your sticks Chose three longer sticks that are about the same size that can form a triangle.
  • Step Two Overlap the ends of two sticks at a roughly 60-degree angle. Cut a piece of string and knot it around the two twigs at the joint. Wrap the joint tightly and knot the end to secure in place.
  • Step Three Add the third stick to form a triangle and wrap and secure the joints as directed in Step Two.

Engineering for Kids: Twirling Twig Mobile. Mobiles are a great demonstration of engineering/physics principles. Read on to find out how.

  • Step Four Assemble your twigs in the order you would like them to hang. We arranged ours by size with the longest sticks at the top.
  • Step Five Cut a piece of string about 6” longer than you want the mobile length to be. Tie one end to the center of the bottom chord of the stick triangle.
  • Step Six Place the first stick about 2” below the bottom chord of the triangle. Wrap the long string around the center point of gravity of the stick and tie a knot.
  • Step Seven Important! Test your mobile after adding each stick. Hold up the triangle with one hand and pull down on the string with the other hand. You want your stick to be suspended roughly parallel to the ground. You need to pull the string taut to test this! If the stick is hanging at an angle loosen the knot and move it over slightly to find the rough center of gravity for the stick.
  • Step Eight Repeat Step Seven for the remaining sticks you are hanging.
  • Step Nine Add a weight to the end of your mobile! We added a rock but you can also add a pinecone or other decorative element as long as has some weight to it. This will help keep the string taut.
  • Step Ten Add a string to the top of the mobile and hang it!


Want to see how much the tension on the string affects the way the sticks hang? Check out the demonstration images below. See how much straighter the whole mobile hangs when their is a weight (rock) on the bottom?

Engineering for Kids: Twirling Twig Mobile. Mobiles are a great demonstration of engineering/physics principles. Read on to find out how.You’re done! Watch those twigs twirl in the breeze!


If your sticks are still not hanging straightish when the center string is held in tension then try the following steps on each stick that is hanging at too much of an angle:

  1. First try adjusting the string to one side or the other.
  2. Make sure the knot is tight enough to hold the string, a loose loop will not hold the stick in place.
  3. Try twisting the stick at the knot to move the knot to either the top or side of the stick. If the knot is positioned on the bottom of the stick it will not hang properly.




