SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode 54

Chuck and Glitter’s families are moving, so it is time for the kids to say “See you later!”

Daily Prayer

As I step out into the future Lord, I place my trust in You. My desire is to remain in the center of Your perfect will for my life.

Lead me Lord on the right path that is best for me I pray. You have promised to be with me wherever I go, for You know the steps that I take. My trust is in You and I want to do only that which glorifies You. In Jesus’ name I pray,


Sing A Song



Build a Trust – O – Meter

Build this trust – o – meter and use it while reading or listening to Bible stories. Turn the dial to show how well the person in the story is trusting God.

Supplies: paper; crayons; dials; brads


  1. Download pdf
  2. Copy (I recommend using card stock)
  3. Color
  4. Use brad to attach dialPicture




Sing Another Song