SML at the Lifeguard POD – Episode51

The kids are headed back to school!

Daily Prayer

Lord Jesus, I ask for Your help as I begin this new school year.
Allow me to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put
before me.
Open my eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this
new school year brings.
Open my heart and mind to new friends and new teachers.
Give me a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with my studies and courage
to accept new opportunities.
Help me to be attentive to my teachers and let me experience Your
presence in my new friends.
Jesus, inspire me to do my best this year!

Sing A Song



This school year, make a pledge to live every day for God. Start your morning with God, listen for God lead you, and be ready to share God’s love with others.

Pray Every Day

Click on the picture for a printable copy to fill up with things to pray for each day.
