SML with the Lifeguard POD – Episode 4

Hey Kids!

Watch episode  here –

Hope you enjoy watching!

Here are some activities you can do this week to remind you that we all need time to rest.

Daily Prayer

Dear Father, help us to be faithful in following the teaching we find in your Word, but also help us to follow the example of Jesus in loving and caring for others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


Build a Blanket Fort

Sometimes you just need a good blanket fort. You can nap, read, play games or even watch TV all while hiding away. Here are some instructions to make a stellar blanket fort. Remember to get an adult to help you!


  • Blankets
  • Sheets
  • Couch Cushions
  • Chairs


  • Clothes pins
  • Clamps
  • Clothes line
  • Chip clips
  • Rubber Bands
  • Duct Tape


  • Pillows
  • Lights
  • Bed Tray
  • Air Mattress
  • Sleeping Bags


  1. Be creative with your materials. Use what you’ve got around the house. Bring out the coat rack, use clamps, clothes pins, duct tape, etc. Use lightweight sheets and blankets. Re-arrange furniture so you have enough floor space for a fort. Lay heavy blankets on the floor.
  2. String up a clothes line across the room. Tie it to curtain rods or door hinges, anything as long as it’s sturdy. Use clothes pins to hold sheets together. Pillows or books can be used as weights to hold fort walls in place. Use chairs and sides of sofas to drape blankets over.
  3. Clamps, chip clips or rubber bands are good for keeping sheets and blankets in place on the back of chairs, couch cushions, etc. Face the TV and grab a movie. This is just personal preference, but it’s really fun to have a movie night inside your fort.

Prayer Chain

Make a “prayer chain” out of strips of paper to make loops to hook together. Write all the things you can think of (one idea on each loop) to pray about or people’s names. Hang the PRAYER CHAIN around your room and PRAY TOGETHER every day.

Sing A Song

Learn More About Wheat

Coloring Pages


Activity Pages




Remember!  Get an adult to take photos or videos of you doing these activities and send them to and you might see yourself after a church service!

Disclaimer: Sending your photo or video to us grants St Paul’s UMC to use your child’s image during the livestream church service.