SML with the Lifeguard POD – Episode 5

Hey Kids!

Watch the next episode here –

Hope you enjoy it!

Here are some activities you can do this week to remind you to forgive others.

Prayers of Forgiveness

Use these prayers throughout the week when you need to forgive or be forgiven.

Dear God, I am having a hard time forgiving ________ for ________. Please give me Your love in my heart so I can forgive as You have forgiven me. Amen.

Dear God, I am sorry I did _____________. Will You please forgive me? Amen.

Dear God, I am afraid to ask forgiveness from _____________. Please give me the courage to do the right thing. Amen.


4 Part Apology

It’s not enough to just say “I’m sorry” Use these to help you remember the 4 parts of a good apology.

Act it Out

Get your friends, family, pets or stuffed animals and act out a scene where someone gets their feelings hurt and the person that hurts them apologizes.  Make it as silly or serious as you want, but enjoy yourself!  Maybe even dress up for the role.


Sing A Song

Coloring Pages


Activity Pages







Remember!  Get an adult to take photos or videos of you doing these activities and send them to and you might see yourself after a church service!

Disclaimer: Sending your photo or video to us grants St Paul’s UMC to use your child’s image during the livestream church service.