Table Talk for the Wednesday’s in Lent

Do any of these statements apply to you?

  • I don’t get to spend enough time in fellowship with other people in the church.
  • I don’t know enough about the Bible.
  • I like coming to church, but don’t spend enough time with my kids or grandkids.

Well, there’s an answer: Table Talk.  It is a series of teachings on key stories of the Bible that take place around tables of fellowship, and it is made to include people of all ages in one place.  You can get to know your fellow church-goers better, get to know the Bible, and enjoy that time with your whole family.

Each Wednesday during Lent (beginning February 21st), we will gather for a simple meal at 6:30pm, and Pastor Shawn will lead us in a time of learning and discussion.  This will also be a great time to invite friends or introduce new people to the church!

For more information, just contact Pastor Shawn at or 910-512-2547.