UMW collecting personal hygiene and toiletry items girls at Murray Middle

The United Methodist Women are collecting personal hygiene and toiletry items for the young women at Murray Middle School in need of these item who cannot afford them.  So far the UMW has donated 7 bags full of toiletries for the young women at the school. This is ONGOING, so keep the items coming!

Items needed:

Deodorant, Travel sizes of toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, lotion, toothbrushes, mini combs/brushes/mirror compacts, panty liners, pads, lice treatment kits, lip balm (not flavored), dental floss and brown paper lunch bags for distributing the items.

If you can donate any of these items, please bring them by St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 300 Harper Avenue or call 910-458-5310 for more information