Ushers Needed for 2015 Annual Conference

welcomeUshers play an important role at Annual Conference. They help to assist and direct folks throughout the three day conference. Since Harbor District is hosting Annual Conference this year, we are responsible for assembling a team of ushers to serve during the conference. We are currently in the process of putting together that schedule and would like to encourage you to sign up to be an usher if you are interested.

Please click on the link below which will take you to a sign up form in which you can indicate which days/times you’d be available to serve as an usher at Annual Conference. One of our Head Ushers will then contact you as we get closer to AC and the schedule is finalized. All ushers will receive a specially design AC usher golf shirt. Questions? – Head of Laity Ushers is David Pendergrass ( – 910-520-3346)

To sign up to serve as an Usher at Annual Conference click link below:

​Note: This info can also be accessed on our district website –