WHY Do We Need a New Building?

Thinking about the questions most people ask, we’ve answered some of the big ones:

  • Why believe in Jesus?
  • Why do people need the church? and
  • Why do people need our church?

Still, there are lots of other questions that people have about God, the Bible, or the church; and we would love to hear some of the questions you would like to have answered.  You can reach us by phone at 458-5310, by email at pastor@stpaulscb.org, on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/StPaulsCarolinaBeach/, or on our website at www.stpaulscb.org.  Give us your questions, and we’ll try our best to address them in future articles.

It may not be one of the “big” questions, but the one we’ve probably been asked the most lately is, WHY ARE YOU CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING?  The answer might be as simple as, “We need more space,” but there’s actually more to it than that.  After all, we’ve all heard that the church is the people, not the building; and Jesus instructed his followers to “GO and make disciples,” so why would we need a building to bring more people IN?  Well, there are two very good reasons:

  • The building will enable us to carry out our mission of making disciples. It is to be a place of growth, training, and preparation – a launching point, not an ending point.  The new building will enable us to have more classes, host more community groups, and put on more special events.  It will become a place where people can COME, so that we can fulfill our command to GO.
  • A defining aspect of the church’s character is table fellowship. It begins at the Lord’s Table in Holy Communion, and it continues out into all the tables we gather around together.  Currently, we average around 150 people in worship, but our fellowship hall will only seat around 90 people (less than that, if you want to sit comfortably).  So, if we want to get the whole church together for a meal, or if we want to be able to invite our neighbors to come and share in that meal, we need more room.  The new building will have that: it will seat about 240 people at tables, and it will have a commercial-grade kitchen to prepare meals or host catering services.

If you would like to be a part of all the exciting things going on, we invite you to come and see what is happening at St. Paul’s.  Or, if you would like to make a contribution, you can visit our website and look for the link that says, “GIVING.”